Introducing #imwithbumble to Unite and Inspire


At Bumble, we want to empower our users to go after what they want in all facets of their lives from dating, to friendship and business networking. For the next 30 days, we'll be sharing unique posts on Instagram to highlight the ways in which people across the country say Bumble inspires and empowers them.

We invite you to express why you are with Bumble and how you feel empowered. We hope that in doing so we help you reflect on your day-to-day life and recognize different moments of inspiration.

Stay tuned to the #imwithbumble campaign as we profile women and men from different industries who personify the Bumble mission and empower themselves and others.

Laura, 25, Melbourne, Co-Founder of Keep It Cleaner

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Nathan, 26, Sydney, Blogger

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Chloe, 27, Sydney, Designer and Director of Aloe Swimwear




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Bumble HQCaitlin Ryan