Valentine's Day Gift Guide

Camera, Fragrance, Candle, Scarf, Chocolates, Lipstick, Coloring Book, Eye Mask, Flowers, Sneakers, Artwork


Single or taken, Valentine's Day can be stressful. What do you get for your significant other? What does it mean? The Hive has tried to take some of the guesswork out of it for you with our Valentine's Day Gift Guide. 

Candles or perfume in her favorite scent shows you take notice of the little things. 

A bouquet of her favorite flowers never goes amiss.

Accessories she's mentioned to you (or her friends) but is hesitant to buy herself are super sweet.

We love the idea of giving her artwork (or a framed photo of the two of you) - it's sentimental and thoughtful.

If things are new, a chic box of chocolates is thoughtful without being over the top.

But of course, nothing beats the time you'll get to spend with your person. Be it your significant other, your BFF, or yourself, show a little extra love this V-Day!


The Bumble Hive




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