It isn’t often the entire world experiences an unprecedented event all at once, nor one that so fundamentally transforms how we relate to one another. Our busy lives — the work commutes, museum outings, and weekend getaways — changed overnight with the onset of COVID-19.
Now, with a new year on the horizon, it’s clear that the way we date has shifted for good too. But there’ve been unexpected silver linings to looking for love (or even like!) during a pandemic. Our Bumble community is taking the time to think critically about what you want in a relationship, building trust with one another. You’ve shown that lockdowns are no match for technology, using Bumble’s virtual dating tools, like our Virtual Dating Badges and expanded Distance Filter, to date digitally — often with matches from across the country. What’s more, you’re learning that intimacy is possible even through a screen.
There are still aspects of this new normal that might feel like an uphill climb, from establishing your COVID-related boundaries to approaching ‘cuffing season’ calmly and with confidence. That’s where we come in! Bumble has put together this comprehensive guide to help you go into the new year feeling empowered to date safely, healthily, and confidently. We’ve asked top experts — sexologists, epidemiologists, therapists, and our own in-house data guru — to weigh in too.
If you need some inspiration before you put yourself out there, check out these stories of couples who met on Bumble during the COVID pandemic and have flourished together during these most trying of times. If they can do it, so can you.
This can feel hard, but we’ve got your back. Read on, then get Bumbling!
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